Launch Nays3DV

The following is the procedure to launch Nays3DV in iRIC.

When launching iRIC, the iRIC start page can be seen as Figure 2. Click on [Create New Project] in the [iRIC Start Page] window.


Figure 2 : Create new project_1

Then the [Select Solver] window will open as shown in Figure 3. Select [Nays3DV vertical 3D model] in the [Select Solver] window and click on [OK].


Figure 3 : Create new project_2

A window with the title bar untitled-iRIC [Nays3DV vertical 3D model] will appear as shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 : Create new project_4

Nays3DV model is ready to use.

The basic steps to follow during a simulation in Nays3DV are,
  1. Creation of the grid

  2. Mapping the attributes to the grids

  3. Setting the calculation conditions

  4. Making a simulation

  5. Visualization of results